Work Experience

Here, I am sharing my previous freelance work experience, which spans diverse fields including dome projection mapping, IoT development, web development, and VR systems integration.

River Paradise Resort

Date: June 2023 - Oct 2023

Dome Projection Mapping


  • I worked on a dome projection mapping project where the visuals were projected onto a 10-meter geodesic dome. The goal was to create a fully immersive experience with precise alignment and seamless blending of visuals across the curved surface of the dome.


  • I used four short-throw projectors to ensure that the visuals covered the entire dome surface without distortion.
  • A powerful media server equipped with an Nvidia Quadro graphics card was responsible for handling the visual data. The Quadro card was crucial for rendering the high-quality visuals required for such an immersive projection.
  • The visuals were captured using a Canon EOS 5D Mark IV camera, paired with a Canon EF 8-15mm f/4L Fisheye USM lens. This lens was chosen specifically for its ability to capture wide-angle images, which are essential for dome projection.


  • Vioso 6 was used to handle the complex task of warping, blending, and calibrating the visuals across the dome’s surface. Its advanced features made it possible to achieve a perfect alignment between the projectors.
  • NestMap software played a key role in mapping and aligning the visuals on the dome. It provided the necessary tools to ensure that the images were correctly placed and blended across the dome’s curved surface.
  • NestPlay Lite was utilized to manage content playback. It ensured that the visual content was played smoothly and in sync across all the projectors, which is crucial for maintaining the immersive experience.
  • The EOS Webcam Utility Software allowed me to monitor the setup in real-time. This was particularly useful for making adjustments on the fly and ensuring that everything was running as expected.


  • By combining all this equipment and software, I was able to create a seamless and highly immersive visual experience on the dome. The projectors, media server, and software all worked together to produce a stunning display that covered the entire surface of the dome with perfectly aligned and blended visuals.


Date: Feb 2023 - July 2023

IOT Development

  • Collaborated with Dr. Sathish Rao (ISRO Scientist) to create a Miniature Satellite for a workshop that has been conducted in multiple schools across Pune.

  • Utilized ESP8266, DHT11, Blynk, and C programming language. Significantly reduced cost per unit from Rs. 1800 to Rs. 500, ensuring affordability for all students.

  • Enabled real-time data collection of temperature and humidity, seamlessly transmitted to smartphones or tablets every 5 seconds through ESP8266 microcontroller and DHT11 sensor integration.

Suresh Naik Space park

Date: Sep 2022 - Nov 2022

Web Development (freelance)

  • Designed and developed a captivating website for Suresh Naik Space Park, a space-themed park in Pune, using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Bootstrap. Key aspects of this project included:

  • Responsive Design: Created a visually appealing and user-friendly website that functions seamlessly across all devices, ensuring an optimal viewing experience for visitors.

  • Interactive Elements: Incorporated interactive features such as image sliders, animated graphics, and dynamic content to engage visitors and provide an immersive experience.

  • Engaging Content: Developed and structured content to highlight the park’s attractions, educational programs, and events, showcasing the wonders of space science and technology.

Suresh Naik Space park

Date: Sep 2021 - Feb 2022

VR Syncing

  • Implemented a system to sync multiple Virtual Reality (VR) headsets, including Oculus Go, Oculus Quest, and Oculus Quest 2, using a single computer. This setup was designed to showcase educational space films to school students visiting the park. Responsibilities included:

  • System Integration: Synchronized multiple VR headsets to ensure a seamless viewing experience for groups of students.

  • Technical Setup: Utilized advanced software and hardware solutions to link the VR headsets with a central computer.

  • Training: Trained park employees on how to operate and manage the VR system, ensuring smooth operation during student visits.