
I have showcased some of my Major End-To-End Projects on Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Data Science and Python (And, YES! I know Deep Learning is a part of Machine Learning). I have also given detailed desciption for each project and if I have written a tutorial on it I will also add the link. To see all my projects go to my Github.



The Voucher Automation Software Suite is a streamlined solution for automating voucher management processes. Developed using Python, MongoDB Atlas (NoSQL database), XML, CustomTkinter, and Tkinter, this suite includes three integrated applications:

  1. TallyClient: Allows users to create and store vouchers in MongoDB Atlas.
  2. TallyMain: Approves vouchers based on predefined rules and integrates them with Tally ERP 9.
  3. TallyAccounts: Handles payment processing of approved vouchers, requiring payee signatures for authorization and marking vouchers as “paid” before integration back into Tally ERP 9.

This suite enhances efficiency, accuracy, and real-time financial management for businesses.

Game Vault

GitHub Live

Developed a fully responsive gaming platform clone utilizing the RAWG API to fetch and display detailed information on video games. The application allows users to search for games, view popular titles, and explore detailed game pages, including ratings, genres, and screenshots. The project is built with React JS and TypeScript, ensuring type safety and robust, maintainable code. The interface is user-friendly and optimized for performance, offering a seamless browsing experience across devices.

Other resources

I also have a number of other small software projects. Check them out here.

  • Flask Authentication This is an implementation of a login system using Flask, MySQL, SQLAlchemy as the ORM, and HTML/CSS for the frontend. The system includes functionalities for user registration, login, and password reset through email.
  • Image Shrink App The Image Shrink App is a user-friendly desktop application designed to resize and compress images effortlessly. Developed using JavaScript and leveraging popular libraries, such as Electron.js, the app offers a simple and intuitive interface for users to select images and specify the desired size reduction. By effectively reducing image file sizes without compromising quality, this app streamlines image optimization, making it ideal for various use cases like web publishing, email attachments, and storage management. The Image Size Shrink App provides a quick and efficient solution for users seeking to efficiently manage their image files with ease.